Blank Page Cafe - Origins and Evolution

Blank Page Cafe:
Origins & Evolution

It’s Friday morning in the summer of 2015 and I’ve just had my first few sips of butter coffee as I make my way to work at the Last Resort Farm in Monkton, VT.  As I head south, the horizon appears and I am overtaken by a sweeping moment of clarity. I am acutely aware of my surroundings and my place within them. The sense of understanding is transcendent, and I am amazed, humbled, and elevated by it. In this moment, I feel enveloped in a transformative energy: my goals seem attainable and worthy of tireless pursuit. As I pull into the farm, it is with the comforting certainty that I am heading in the right direction in every sense of the word. My day begins.

Fast forward 3 years and Blank Page Café is in its second full year in business operating in the farm store at Bread and Butter Farm.  In addition to many challenges (and many more butter coffees!) from that Friday morning in 2015 until now, there have been countless moments of triumph in the face of hardship, gratitude in the presence of support, and evolution in the face of changing conditions.  We’re working on so many enriching projects at Bread and Butter farm that have the potential to help Blank Page transform into a sit-down café whose menu incorporates as much of the nourishing and delicious food being grown and raised on the farm as possible.

We have a way to go to get from this point to sit-down café but we’re taking small, intentional steps towards realizing this goal! The most exciting development for me has been the introduction and continued ongoing focus on more savory gluten and grain free baking and food options.  We’re now offering frittatas on Thursdays, savory scones and much more! Keep a look out for new offerings in the coming months! Follow us on Instagram @blankpagecafe to get in the know about what’s to come!

